Friday, June 08, 2007

Emma's appointment, short version

I read up on vesicoureteral reflux and was prepared with my questions. The guy we were seeing is at the top of his field.

Within ten minutes of talking to him he was explaining the two surgical choices that we have. At this point we are thinking we will go with the less invasive endoscopic one that involves injecting a gel material at the base of the ureters. Downside, its success rate is lower and I've come to read that it's not necessarily a permanent fix. Upside, it's not open surgery and I have to say, that's a huge upside in my mind.

Once he started talking about surgery, all of my questions flew right out of my head. There's a reason they say to write them down.

Before any surgery, she will have a procedure where they inject a radio-isotope into her vein to check for kidney damage. Our insurance is changing on July first and I just hope that this doctor is part of the new plan. Hopefully Billiam will be able to get information about it at work next week. They usually keep it all hush-hush until the last second.

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Blogger Erin said...

I will continue to keep you and she in my heart and send positive thoughts Gretchen!

6/09/2007 12:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ugh - surgery or surgery. That sucks. Sounds like you are making the right choice to me. I really hope the insurance thing provides some continuity - that is all you need!

6/09/2007 9:36 PM  
Blogger Nancy @ the Jersey Shore said...

good thoughts still being sent. positivity, and all that. :-)

6/11/2007 3:40 PM  
Blogger Mommyleek said...

I know I've been a silent lurker lately, but I wanted you to know that Emma is in my thoughts and prayers daily. Surgery of any kind is a daunting thing to face.

6/12/2007 9:47 PM  

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