Thursday, December 21, 2006

after all that,

Emma woke up in tears with a sore throat. One baby hat, wrapped and tagged, handed off to her little brother to give to her beloved teacher. This is her teacher's last day of school before her maternity leave so Emma won't get to see her again until she brings the baby in to meet the kids. At least she won't be giving Mrs. G. a hat and a virus for Christmas.

Hope and Clara were busy cooking and baking last night for their teachers. After a burned first batch, Clara made perfect little chocolate chip cookies and lined them all up in a roll like this:

Hope went for homemade marshmallows, from Martha's recipe. They were surprisingly easy and pretty darn tasty.

They each chose their favorite teachers (and the bus driver) to give gifts (they have seven teachers, each). I don't think Jake ever did teacher gifts once he got to middle school.

Abie's teacher got truffles from these nice folks, as did the bus driver. They were simply but beautifully packaged and I will be checking back next year to buy more.

How about you? Do your kids give gifts to their teacher(s) at the holidays? What kinds of things do they give?

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Blogger Mommyleek said...

Poor thing! I know she was probably aching to give her teacher such a lovely gift! Hope she's feeling better soon.

You've got some wonderful kids, making their own treats to give away. It's refreshing to see kids with the giving spirit.

I haven't had to worry much about gift-giving to teachers with J, but last year when he was in daycare around the holidays, they printed out a list of the teachers for each age and what they liked/wanted. In a way it was helpful, I suppose, but I wasn't about to go out and buy a $20 lipstick for the girl that couldn't even tell me nine times out of ten what my kid ate for lunch.

Maybe I'll be less of a scrooge by the time J's in school.

12/21/2006 1:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I taught middle school and rarely got any gifts...not that I was expecting them, so it was a real treat when I did, whether it was useful or not. But wouldn't I have loved that hat!!! Lucky Mrs. G.

12/23/2006 10:38 AM  

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