Monday, April 03, 2006

how did this happen?

Jake is getting so much taller than his dad!

Oh, and if anyone else notices a resemblance between Jake's new hairstyle and, please back me up.

For a few months, now, Jake has been talking (online and on the phone)to a girl from Georgia. She found his band's website and they hit it off. She is actually from Maryland and came up this past weekend to stay with her dad over her spring break. We met up with them at a mall and, man! From what we could see, she is the girl equivalent of Jake. I could kick myself for not having my camera with me. I do have one from Jake's camera phone, though.I wish you could see their outfits. Like two peas in a pod. What a riot. She seems really sweet and I hope she is, because she's moving up here in about a month so my guess is that we will be seeing a lot more of her. Don't break my boy's heart, Mandy!


Blogger Laura said...

don't break our boy's heart Mandy! ;)

4/04/2006 11:16 AM  

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