This is the part where I make them sit together and act like they enjoy posing for a picture.
Emma was positively beside herself when we found matching dresses for her and Lydia. Hope and Clara are wearing shrugs that I knitted for them Friday and Saturday when we realized that they couldn't find tops that they likes that would go with their skirts. Hence, the teenish layering of camis paired with one skein wonder shrugs. I am eternally grateful to Stefanie Japel for quickly approving me for a second download (I originally bought and downloaded the pattern last summer) when I couldn't open the file I had saved it in because of this horrid computer virus or something that we have aquired. It is eating our screen names, one by one, and I fear that soon we won't be able to log on at all. Anyway, they were both quickly knit in cheapo acrylic since the yarn store had already closed by the time we knew we were going to be needing them and waiting until morning would have meant one and a half shrugs instead of two on Easter morning. With age comes privilege and Jake was spared the humiliation of being forced into a complimentary colored golf shirt and allowed, instead, to sport a black Blood Brothers t-shirt. It did have a pink design on it, though.

Emma was positively beside herself when we found matching dresses for her and Lydia. Hope and Clara are wearing shrugs that I knitted for them Friday and Saturday when we realized that they couldn't find tops that they likes that would go with their skirts. Hence, the teenish layering of camis paired with one skein wonder shrugs. I am eternally grateful to Stefanie Japel for quickly approving me for a second download (I originally bought and downloaded the pattern last summer) when I couldn't open the file I had saved it in because of this horrid computer virus or something that we have aquired. It is eating our screen names, one by one, and I fear that soon we won't be able to log on at all. Anyway, they were both quickly knit in cheapo acrylic since the yarn store had already closed by the time we knew we were going to be needing them and waiting until morning would have meant one and a half shrugs instead of two on Easter morning. With age comes privilege and Jake was spared the humiliation of being forced into a complimentary colored golf shirt and allowed, instead, to sport a black Blood Brothers t-shirt. It did have a pink design on it, though.
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