
So now our summer list is looking like this:
paint kitchen walls- paint door and trim in kitchen
paint front doorplant herbsplanted two basil, two rosemary, one sage, one oregano.- dig weeds out of front garden (started this)
- plant flowers in front garden
replace dimmer switch in dining room(this seemed like it would be easier than it was. The wall had three wires in three different colors and the new switch had four wires in three colors. A few web searches and $8 spent at and we have a new dimmer switch. Yea, us!)make new curtains for kitchen windows(because I am so damn picky andtoo cheap to pay forcannot afford ones I will like, I had to spend two days making them.- paint master bath
- paint kids' bath
put up new curtains in our bedroom- paint girls' room
get sand for sandbox and set it up- plant something around mailbox
replace broken doorbellrip up carpet in hallwaylovely hardwood found beneath. Woohoo!- replace carpet in girls' room with area rug
- paint Jake's room
replace Abie's bed- take black & white photos of kids to blow up and put on big wall in kitchen
- buy my camera before $100 rebate offer ends (adding this to see if Billiam is paying attention. Please, honey, please?)
I'm sure I'm forgetting something.
Wait... did you move again? Are you at your dad's house fixing him all up like that?
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