Wednesday, June 15, 2005

This is what I get for delaying taking a picture.

I was supposed to take a pic of the little boys in their spankin' new short hair. I said I would and I even thought about it, but never at an opportune time. This morning someone shorter than me (I know who it was, but why name names, Clara?) left a pair of scissors out. We have a No Scissors Left Out rule, but it is sometimes forgotten, often with consequences of varying degrees.

So Abie decided he would like to have "a dot" in the middle of his haircut. Right there in the front. Center. It worked. By all appearances, he held the scissors at the top, center of his forhead, pointing towards the back, and SNIP! Voila! Dot in the middle. As in, bald dot. Oy. I would post a pic right now of the New and Improved Summer Haircut, but he's asleep. There I go, putting off taking a photo, again. At least the scissors are all up. I think.


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