Monday, September 12, 2005

many things...

Hope and Clara started a knitting class this past Saturday morning. They're so excited and the shop owner is so, so nice. They will be working on a sampler scarf once they finish their casting on practice. It's a really cute scarf, too. I started one for Emma (so all three will have a new scarf) in pink cotton ease. It's coming along nicely -- pictures later.

Also on the knitting front, Jake finished his orange and black scarf earlier this month. He's so pleased with himself (as well he should be!) and his girlfriend has asked him to knit one for her in black and white for Christmas.

Image hosted by Photobucket.comAnd, sniff, sniff, Jake leaves for China Wednesday morning! Waaaaah! I'm so excited for him but so nervous! He has to be at school at 4 am (yipe!) and then the whole marching band will go to the airport together by bus. Bill took him out to get some last minute things yesterday and today I will take him to get his traveler's checks after school. I can't believe my baby is going to the other side of the world. How did I let this happen?! He'll be back in the wee hours of the 20th, having scored a seat on the second flight back, which buys him several more hours over there.

Hope and Emma are sick and home from school today. They seem to have the same thing that got Abie, Clara and Ben at the end of last week--fever, some have a sore throat, some don't. Hope and Abie seem to have gotten the short end of the stick with high fevers. Abie and Clara were able to go back to school today after missing Thursday and Friday.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ooh, I bet you're so proud of all the knitting! Claire keeps saying she wants to knit but of course doesn't have the dexterity (or the attention span) for that yet so I gave her a large set of needles and a ball of cheapo yarn which she unravels and I wind back up. How's that for teamwork? I just finished a baby hat for a friend of mine due in nov and am working on a pair of socks for Claire (using the socks 101 article from knitty which is great!)
Sewinmama and knitting too!

9/23/2005 12:16 PM  

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